Art Exhibition

Tsering Frykman-Glen

Nostalgia - "I’m going back to Proust this August. The truly long read is a summer treat - Alex Clark" by Tsering Frykman-Glen



In a previous post I mentioned how from the moment we decided on the title for our 5th project, we started to see references to Proust everywhere. It's still happening! Like this article in The Guardian claiming that it is the summer of the "long read", with the writer aiming to tackle what other than...Proust's In Search of Lost Time!

You can also read a letter written in response to the article here.

Nostalgia - "We can’t embrace the future if we’re longing for the past." by Tsering Frykman-Glen

As an interesting read in connection to our upcoming exhibition In Search of Lost Time and our general interest in Nostalgia,  here's an interesting article written by Rafael Behr for The Guardian, dated December 2015.

 Illustration: Andrzej Krauze (taken from The Guardian article).

 Illustration: Andrzej Krauze (taken from The Guardian article).

"Nostalgia is a cultural and a cognitive phenomenon, and common memories are the glue that holds a society together in shared endeavour. Agreeing to look fondly on where we have been together makes it easier to travel onward without rancour. But our brains collude by adjusting our past to make it a neater fit with the present."