19,6” - Punto de Escucha - Marina Salvo

September 28th 2019, Tangent Projects studios.

Marina Salvo hesitated for 19.6 seconds the first time she called the crisis line. Taking that fact as the starting point and symbol of waiting, and of the respectful act of silence, 19,6” - Punto de Escucha is proposed as a space to articulate something that is not publicly expressed.

This work was first performed in June this year at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (Barcelona) as part of Marina's 9 month residency at Bar Project. Tangent Projects was pleased to be able to work with Marina on this second edition of 19,6” - Punto de Escucha.

This action includes "Una mirada al suicidio cara a cara (Face to Face with Suicide)", a presentation by the psychologist Isabel Vallés.

Marina Salvo develops projects which show a research for awareness on aspects of our society that could be seen as problematic. Her work is closely connected with the social environment - both political and anthropological, and she is interested in how we experience, think and represent territories both psychologically and physically. The artists' projects expand collectively and participatively; creating collaborations with people in relation to the subject of study, and on many occasions outside the circuits known as artistic.

Marina obtained a BA in Fine Arts in 2015 from the University of Granada (SP) with the scholarships at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul (TR) in 2013 and at CUAAD, University of Guadalajara, Jalisco (MX) in 2012. From 2015 to 2016 she participated in different collective exhibitions such as La Casa de Cultura San Rafael (MX), Autonomous FAD Gallery, UNAM (MX) and LADRON Gallery (MX). As an artist and curator, she participated in *Superfine!* Artfair, Art Basel Week in Miami (FL) and at HICC, Hispanic Innovation Center of Chicago (IL). In 2017, she participated in the Residency Program RDNART in Kankabal, Yucatán (MX), exhibited in la Casa Invisible, Málaga (SP) and ABM Confecciones, Madrid (SP). In 2018 she participated in J.A.C.A 2018, Madrid (SP) and held her first solo exhibition at ECCO, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Cádiz (SP).

Very recently, Marina was accepted to study in CalArts, Institute of California Institute of the Arts and will start a Master in Fine Arts in 2020.