Project 32

Fluchtpunkt/Vanishing Point 2

February 17th - March 17th, Tangent Projects gallery.

Ajda Kara, Elin Lindecrantz, Violeta Mackialo, Mango and Okra (Roshni Kavate, Agnes Essonti Luque & Lizette Nin), Maíra das Neves, Sejal Parekh, Lourdes Peñaranda, Lucía Retamar and Tanya Zommer.

Continuing on from last year’s successful Fluchtpunk/Vanishing Point project (you can read about it here), Tangent Projects will launch its second edition of this non-exhibition project on February 17th. The gallery will be open to the public from February 17th with normal gallery hours Tuesday to Friday 11 - 4 pm, with events on February 24th and March 10th between 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

The literal translation of the German word fluchtpunkt is vanishing point. It is a technical term to explain a method used in drawing to illustrate perspective. The point where two parallel lines meet, where the path meets the horizon and disappears - where it ceases to exist - is the fluchtpunkt or vanishing point.

In much the same way, for the following 4 weeks Tangent Projects gallery will become a convergent point where the parallel lines of the gallery and other projects that occur under the Tangent “roof,” come together to create a space for possibilities.  

What is happening over there, forever beyond our vision? We can only wonder what is there, in that place we can't see or know. As such, it is uncharted and unknown territory, ("here be dragons") a place for unexplored potential.

This year, the artists in Tangent Projects studios are collectively participating in realising a collaborative space where anything, and maybe nothing, could happen. We invite you to join them.

Artists include Livia Harper, Ajda Kara, Elin Lindecrantz, Violeta Mackialo, Mango and Okra (Roshni Kavate, Agnes Essonti Luque & Lizette Nin), Maíra das Neves, Sejal Parekh, Lourdes Peñaranda, Lucia Retamar, Thelma Vanahí and Tanya Zommer.

Outside of the activation times, the gallery space will be open to the public as a reading room with texts from the various Sustenance Groups meetings, previous editions of the Reading Room, assorted publications that have been donated to the Reading Room, and other texts, books and publications that have materialised at Tangent Projects over time.

Schedule of activities and events:

Floating Soundscape

Continuous -
Reading Room- the Tangent Reading Room is an on-going collaborative project where artists and creatives come together to share texts and be part of a collective shared experience (Tsering Frykman-Glen)
Window view - Everyone is invited to document the transformation that will occur within the gallery space during the Fluchtpunkt month. (Tanya Zommer)
Floating Soundscape - a collaborative sound and music project, also online, click here to listen (Ajda Kara and Elin Lindecrantz)
Pause - a collective exercise of doing nothing (Maíra das Neves)
Wander - a mixed media communal collage with participating artists and guests, everyone is welcome to participate (Roshni Kavate)
Peripheral Vision Training - an exercise to help improve our peripheral vision (Lourdes Peñaranda)

Maslenitsa - celebrating end of winter with raditional pancake making (Tanya Zommer).
Embroidery Circle - "picnic" blankets to be embroidered by those who want to participate (Lucía Retamar)

Connecting Point, Contact improvisation - a way to express the Fluchtpunkt, the vanishing point of movement, in time and space (Violeta Mackialo)
Chai with Mango and Okra - a collective chai making ritual to explore memory and belonging (Mango and Okra - Roshni Kavate, Agnes Essonti Luque & Lizette Nin)
What does Home sound like? - explore the idea of home through sound (Sejal Parekh)
How do we listen? What do we hear? - understand and practice different modes of listening and hearing (Sejal Parekh)

As always, we are grateful to Irma Marco for her beautiful text work Structure* that she produced for the first edition of Fluchtpunk/Vanishing Point in February 2022. It sits above and outside of our artspace, in the guise of a sign but as well as being a beautiful artwork, it also is a statement of intent and a glorious rally cry - COLLECTIVE RADICAL TRANSFORMATION

*Structure was made possible with the support of Sadia Pineda Hameed & Beau W Beakhouse, for which we are always thankful.